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Tips for a Successful Rollout

You have now automated your templates with LAWLIFT and would like to start using them as quickly as possible. We have compiled a list of what such a rollout process might look like.


Since the introduction of a new legal-tech application can look different in every company, please understand our list as a recommendation and collection of ideas.



  1. Identify user groups
  2. Promote LAWLIFT: e.g. Newsletter, Sharepoint
  3. Building knowledge and skills: Videos, Help page
  4. Provide information about accessible templates

1. How do I prepare for a successful rollout?

A successful rollout is directly related to identifying your user groups. You should be clear about where, how and by whom LAWLIFT will be used in the future. To do this, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which target group should be reached?
  • How should the target group be reached?
  • How big is the target group?
  • Will the future users create templates themselves as authors or are they just users of automated templates?
  • Do the users have prior knowledge of LAWLIFT or technical affinities?
  • What does the document creation process currently look like? Are competing products already being used?
  • On which channels can or should LAWLIFT be advertised?


From our point of view, the following has proven its worth:

  • internal newsletter
  • internal website/ Sharepoint
  • visualising the onboarding-process

First, all employees should learn about the introduction of LAWLIFT via a central point

One way to do this is to introduce an internal legal-tech newsletter that is sent to employees at regular intervals and contains information about LAWLIFT (What is it? What can you do with it? What are the benefits? Your success stories) and new publication links, if you use them.

Furthermore, it has proven useful to set up a legal-tech page, e.g. in Sharepoint or a company knowledge base, which provides all important information about LAWLIFT in a bundled form. This includes, in particular, links to usable publications, to the LAWLIFT Academy as well as to the LAWLIFT help page and the listing of a company-internal contact person who is to assist users with questions and problems.

It also makes sense to include LAWLIFT directly in the onboarding process and to support it visually. For example, new employees can be provided with a short LAWLIFT trailer that briefly and clearly explains how LAWLIFT works. We have also had a good experience with videos for existing employees. Such a video is quickly watched, can highlight the advantages of working with LAWLIFT and provides initial knowledge for working with LAWLIFT. Alternatively, or as a support, you can provide the most important information in a PowerPoint presentation.

3. Building Knowledge and Skills

Employees that create and administer templates 


Employees who are to create and manage templates independently in the future can register with our LAWLIFT Academy.


In the next step, the employees should get to know the functions and application possibilities of LAWLIFT, e.g. by building simple templates themselves, watching the help page or the academy videos. This point makes sense, especially for the employees who are supposed to create and manage templates independently in the future.

Employees that create documents 


Create a short explanatory video or include a PowerPoint presentation.


If your employees are to work exclusively with publication links or if they are assigned the “Read-only”-role, it is a good idea to work with a short help video or a PowerPoint presentation here as well to take away the employees' fear: How do I open a publication? How do I fill out the questionnaire? How do I export a document? Make it clear that creating a document is now quick, easy and possible without involving a colleague from the legal department.

For all employees


  • Appointment of a contact person in your company with regular meetings for questions and feedback
  • Overview of the status of the templates
  • Switch off old solutions

In order to establish a smooth, internal process for the use of LAWLIFT, we recommend the appointment of a contact person as well as regular communication, for example in meetings to record questions and feedback. If desired, a LAWLIFT employee can also participate in these meetings to provide support. 

Furthermore, it has proven useful to display the status of all templates in an overview, for example in an Excel spreadsheet: 

  • Which templates exist? 
  • Which ones are finished? 
  • Which ones need to be revised? 
  • Who is responsible for the content? 
  • Which templates still need to be implemented?

It is crucial to make it clear to employees which contracts or other documents are already automated and where they can be found (e.g. publication links).


For example, you can add a separate "Templates" tab directly in Word, where your employees can find the publication links, for example. 


It is also recommended to switch off existing, old solutions in order to encourage employees to use LAWLIFT.

Due to the immense time savings associated with the use of LAWLIFT and the simple nature of the application, your employees will quickly make progress in its use. Throughout the rollout process, we accompany you, provide you with materials and are happy to assist you.

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