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User Administration

Create User

To create a new user, click on the ADMIN menu item. Click on CREATE USER at the bottom of the screen and fill in the fields correctly. Pay attention to spelling and accuracy. Now click on CREATE. The user will immediately receive a password link by e-mail. 

Unlock User

As soon as the user has completed his first registration, the administrator has to activate the account.

This is done in the menu item ADMIN. Next to the created user, a red button UNLOCK appears.

Click on it. Now the user is automatically directed to the dashboard.

The user who created the new user is the only one who receives the mail to unlock the new user. However, all users who have at least the admin role can unlock the new user.

Grant Rights

You can grant rights to a user. To do this, move your cursor to the user in the user list, the OPTIONS button appears next to the user, click on OPTIONS. Now a new window appears, click on "ROLE", here you can assign different roles with different rights to the individual users. 

Password Change

If the user has forgotten his password or needs a new password, move your cursor to the user in the user list, the OPTIONS button appears next to the user, click on OPTIONS. Now a new window appears, click on FORCE NEW PASSWORD below. The user will immediately receive a new password link. → Activate and register the user.

Lock & Unlock User

You can block a user's access without deleting his account. To do this, move your cursor to the user in the user list, the OPTIONS button will appear next to the user, click on OPTIONS. Now a new window appears, click on SUSPEND. Click on REINSTATE to allow the user his access rights again.

Delete User

You can delete a user, then his account will be removed. To do this, move your cursor to the user in the user list, the OPTIONS button will appear next to the user, click on OPTIONS. Now a new window appears, click on DELETE USER.

Change Users

If you want to replace users because, for example, responsibilities or personnel has changed, we recommend that you do not delete the former user. Simply change the account data as described in the next section. All related templates will be transferred to the new user and no content will be lost. 

Edit User

You can edit the user's name and email address. To do this, move your cursor in the user list to the user, the OPTIONS button appears next to the user, click on OPTIONS. Now a new window appears in which you can edit the title, first name, last name and email address.



Changing the email address does not affect the templates assigned to the user. No template will be deleted or assigned to another user.

Note that after changing the email, users can only log in with that email. 

Assign Location and Practice Group



This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

You can also assign a location and a practice group to the user. To do this, locations and practice groups must first be entered. To do this, go to the menu item ADMIN. Now click on the button ADVANCED. A window will now open on the right, where you can enter your LOCATIONS and PRACTICE GROUPS including a code, according to the following example: London (LO), New York (NYC), M&A (MA), Tax Law (TAX). Now click on CLOSE in the upper right corner. A user cannot be assigned to more than one location or practice group.

User Evaluation



This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

The user activity index (aggregated value) is displayed as a bar at the user. This index represents the activity of the user over a longer period of time and therefore changes only slowly.

Create Groups



This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

Templates can be released for editing and use by individuals as well as groups of users.

Creating groups is only possible as an administrator. To do this, click on the CREATE USER GROUP button in the ADMIN menu item, enter a group name and confirm the creation of the group with ENTER or click on CREATE.

If you have not set a checkmark for DO NOT SHARE DOCUMENTS, generated documents will be saved under DOCUMENTS for all users in a user group.

Assign Users to Groups



This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

Move the mouse over the user group to be edited and click on the button ADD USERS. Grey dots appear next to the users. Click on the respective point to add the user to the group. The dot turns green. The user is assigned to the group.

If you want to remove the user again, click on the green dot.

Now press FINISH.

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