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Create & Edit Modules

There are two ways you can build your module.


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.


Build & edit a module like a template

You can create a module just like you would build a template:
In the dashboard, click on the menu item MODULES and then on the CREATE NEW MODULE button. Name the module and press ENTER. Now the same functions are available as for templates. 


Start with the basic structure, i.e. the creation of headings in the text and the creation of sections in the interview.


Extract a module from a template

If you have already created sections in the interview or headings in a template, you can extract them as a module:
To do this, click on OPTIONS in the upper right corner of your template and then on the EXTRACT MODULE button. Left next to sections and headings small grey dots will appear. Click them to select which sections and which headings should be extracted into a module.


Questions, answers or paragraphs cannot be extracted individually.
Now you can name the module to be extracted at the top of the bar next to the EXPORT SELECTION button.

By clicking the EXPORT SELECTION button, the selected elements will be extracted into a new module. This new module can now be edited under MODULES in the dashboard or inserted into any template.


Modules can only be exported from templates, not from other modules. Already extracted (modularized) elements cannot be extracted again. 



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