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Open ID Connect/OAuth Authentifizierung (SSO)

Zur Authentifizierung der Nutzer Ihrer Publikationen können Sie die Open ID Authentifizierung mit LAWLIFT verbinden.


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.


All OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 providers can be connected (e.g. Microsoft, Google, etc.). Here, you can find more information on OpenID Connect on the Microsoft identity platform. Please read the steps for registration here.

If you are using a subdomain of LAWLIFT, you have to type in the following information inside the SSO settings. Otherwise we need this information from you. For this please write us an email.

1. Redirect URI:

https://app.lawlift.de/auth/ for SSO for users

2. OpenID discovery (configuration) URL


The URL must end as follows:

https: // (...) /.well-known/openid-configuration


3. ClientID

4. Client secret (If required)

5. Type of authorization you want to use 


You can select between implicit flow and authorization code flow (recommended)


As soon as we have activated OpenID Connect for you, you can use this authentication method for all of your publications and if required, we can also create a subdomain for you. Then you can use Open ID Connect also for login. 



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