You can use the logo in the header or footer as well as in the text itself:
Logo in the Header or Footer
1. Open the layout in Word.
2. Now open the header or footer in the Word document.
3. As soon as this opens, the menu item "Header & Footer" appears in the menu bar.
Logo in the Header
4. Click on "Pictures" and select the logo. The image is automatically inserted in the header.
5. You can adjust the size and layout of the image.
Logo in the Footer
6. Click on "Images" and select the logo. As the picture is automatically moved to the header, you must now cut it out (right-click and press "Cut" or Ctrl+X on a Windows PC) and paste it into the footer.
Logo in the Text
There are various ways of displaying your logo outside the header or footer. We show you two examples here:
You can insert your letterhead as well as yourlogo into the layout. The letterhead is then only displayed on the first page of the document.
Body Text
You also have the option to have your logo appear after a section of text. This makes sense, for example, if you want to insert the logo after the document heading or if you have automated your address field in LAWLIFT and then want to insert the logo.
This works if you work with several so-called text anchors.
1. First insert the image into your Word file.
2. You now need to decide how you want to arrange the text and the picture.
For example, if you want to add a heading and then an image, you can proceed as follows:
- Insert a text anchor above your picture, which should then contain the heading of the document. This must be different from the following text anchor: e.g. {@TEXT1}
- Below the image, the standard text anchor {@TEXT} can then be used. The contract text will be inserted there.
3. In order for LAWLIFT to recognise where the desired text should appear, you must now store the deviating text anchor in your template. Click in the heading and on TEXTFIELD. Now add the number and click on the tick.