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Set Placeholders

To set a PLACEHOLDER, click in a heading or paragraph or within a question on the position where you want to insert it. Now, click on the button PLACEHOLDER at the top of the screen. 
A placeholder then appears in the form of three dots in parentheses with a coloured background. You can now link this placeholder to a TEXT-FIELD-LABEL or to a SELECT or MULTIPLE-CHOICE question from the questionnaire. All possible links are highlighted in purple in the questionnaire. 
Click once on the TEXT-FIELD-LABEL you want to link to the placeholder. 

For select questions or multiple-choice questions, the selected answers are then listed as text instead of the placeholder. For multiple-choice questions, the answers are linked with "," and "and". 


The language of the connection "," and "and" is based on the language selected in the template.



Placeholders can only be linked to the questionnaire if the elements in the question catalogue that can be linked to them are highlighted in pink. If you have already clicked somewhere else after creating the placeholder, so that the colour highlighting has disappeared again, click on the placeholder again.

If the user of the template enters an answer to the questionnaire at the position linked to the placeholder, the answer will appear in the text instead of the placeholder.


To check which question the placeholder is linked to, click the placeholder once. The linked answer is highlighted in turquoise.





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