Marking with the mouse or using the arrow keys with the Shift key

Marking with the keyboard without the shift key
To do this, move the cursor with the arrow keys to the desired inline rule or placeholder (without Shift key!). The element will then be highlighted with an outline. Now use Ctrl + C to copy this element. This allows more precise copying than the first method.

Important note: Only perform the copy process when you have marked the element with the keyboard, not when you have clicked on the element with the mouse (This opens the ruling mode)!
Inline-Rule Drop-Down
You can reuse inline rules. To do this, click the "Inline Rule" button. A drop-down menu will appear from which you can select the inline rule to be inserted. All inline rules that you have already created in the template are displayed.

It is inserted into the respective text element at the cursor's position when you click on the selection.